Thursday, September 3, 2009

Homeless Blogger's "Never-Give-Up" Attitude Leads to Elle Internship

I came across an amazing story about 24-year-old Brianna Karp, whose blog about homelessness turned into an internship with the guide-to-all-things-fashion magazine, Elle

This is also a story about love and hope. Brianna used Twitter to share her Homeless Tales blog posts, and this is how she found and fell in love with her trans-Atlantic boyfriend, Matt. Brianna's words gave hope to the homeless and showed the rest of the world that many homeless people are intelligent and skilled individuals who are faced with an unfortunate situation. 

Check out this AP article to learn how the Elle internship plays into the story. 

Brianna's ability to persevere amid tragedy is inspiring and admirable. She's on the path to success, whether or not Elle's editors give her a full-time position one day. This is just the first stepping stone. 

1 comment:

Lindsay-Jean said...

Great story, thanks for sharing!