Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Inner Child Made Me Vote

** Photo credited to the Detroit Free Press.

Today is a very significant day in my "I'm all grown up" world. Today, I voted at my local precinct for the very first time. Yes, I know it's sad that I'm nearly 24 and have just voted for the first time. But I wasn't persuaded to vote by the political signs and fliers splattered across my neighborhood, or the campaign ads running on TV. I was swayed by a billboard of a little girl standing on her tippy-toes trying to reach the voting booth. I was motivated by this billboard that simply read "Kids would keep the zoo if they could. Vote yes August 5th." And that's it -- that's all it took for me to figure out that I indeed registered to vote when I was back in college and to mosey on over to my local precinct. I proudly filled in that little oval next to the word "yes" to approve the passing of a property tax increase (about $10 per year on a house worth $200,000) to establish long-term, sustainable funding for the Detroit Zoo.

I have to give mad props to Doner Advertising, the company behind the zoo's creative and eye-catching advertisements that called out our inner child. Not to mention the fact that Doner has been doing pro bono work for the zoo for 26 years!! Now that's a true display of dedication and commitment. Check out this Free Press article about Doner's work on this most recent and previous zoo campaigns.

Maybe the catchy ads didn't phase everyone, but they sure reminded me about the significance of the zoo and what it means for metro Detroit -- and all the little kiddies who visit the zoo each year. I went to the zoo twice in the past year, once on a hot summer afternoon last year with MAL (it's always fun to go on dates to the zoo!) and once this summer for the Sunset at the Zoo event. Both times I was reminded of how I love the fact that Detroit has its own zoo that is pretty well renowned across the country. MAL and I have talked on several occasions about taking his niece on her first trip to the zoo. I can't imagine what it would be like if the zoo were no longer a part of metro Detroit. Not only would it be devastating to lose this historical gem, but considering that the zoo draws about 1.1 million visitors a year,
the loss of it would be another low blow that Detroit simply can't take.

I sincerely hope that voters took note of those clever billboards and TV ads that gave a voice to the ones who can't vote -- the ones who will truly miss out if the zoo can't afford to sustain operations in the future. I think Tom Walsh's closing words in the Free Press article I referenced above sums it all up: Here's hoping they pull it off, for the kid in all of us.


apecoraro said...

Nonna was like.... Why should I vote for the zoo? I don't have kids...

I was like that is not the point!!!!!!!!!

Mandy. said...

Hola Niki...

espero estes biennnn

te he agregado en mi blog...

poco a poco voy leyendo lo que has escrito
claro que leo con el diccionario en mano, cuando no entiendo ls palabras...

bien te dejo mis saludoss


nos vemoss

se despide


metrogal84 said...

Your inner child made other children's dreams come true! So happy it passed!