Friday, February 1, 2008

Show Some Love For Your Heart in February -- Go Red!

Move over Valentine's Day -- you're no longer the sole proprietor of the color red in February. Red also represents American Heart Health Month and today, February 1, is National Wear Red Day.

Heart disease is the numero uno killer of women (and men), and the American Heart Association wants people to understand that it CAN be prevented. The organization is putting its heart and soul into spreading the Go Red for Women message "Love Your Heart" to raise awareness of heart disease and empower women to do everything they can to reduce their risk. Check out the American Heart Association's Web site for inspirational stories from women who've battled heart disease, light and easy recipes that will keep your heart happy and ways you can take part in this amazing initiative.

The Go Red for Women ambassador this year is a girl in her twenties named Melissa. She suffered two heart attacks at the age of 19, regardless of the fact that she is physcially fit, eats healthy and is WAY younger that most people who are affected by the disease. Check her out on TLC's What Not to Wear (love, love, love Stacey and Clinton!!) on February 22 at 9 p.m.

I had the opportunity to attend the Go Red for Women luncheon at the Renaissance Center last year -- and I'm hoping to go again next week. I never realized how many women are affected by heart disease every year, so needless to say it was an eye-opening experience. Women empowering groups ignite a fire under me! One day when I'm ready (when I'm done stressing over student loans and living on my own again), I plan to join groups that work to elevate, inspire and benefit women.

What can (and should) you take away from this post? Love your heart, take the necessary steps to keep it healthy and Go Red! Um, you too men! :)

** On a side note, check out my sassy boss Maria (she supports the Go Red team in Detroit) in my favorite and local you-go-girl magazine, Strut.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nunca había entrado a tu blog Nikki y fue de mucho agrado conocer los artículos que escribes y saber que te dedicar a temas de interés social y general.

Espero seguirte visitando, para continuar sabiendo lo que pasa al norte de Chile, donde te recordamos y queremos.

Un abrazo, Anita Castillo.